Thank you for being kind, 2020!

Cheers to the year it was

Purvee Chauhan
5 min readJan 2, 2021

2020 was nothing short of a roller coaster ride. I have been extra lucky to have celebrated some biggest events of my life in this year. All of these will remain very close to my heart. With this, I share a piece of mine with you.


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Siddhant and I got married amidst pandemic-led madness. We were so in love and pre-occupied with event planning that we couldn’t fathom what was happening. It was just us. We were plain happy. If I could go back and change a thing about it, I wouldn’t. Grateful to all those who joined us and the ones who made it happen. You rock.


I graduated with a masters degree in the program of my choice, mentored by esteemed professors, doing projects that I loved to do and making friendships that I will forever cherish. I was lucky to go the best school in the world. It has made my passion for excellent education play out loud, renewed my confidence and gave me newer perspectives. During lockdown, I stayed up all night and slept all through the days due to time difference. But, it was all worth it. Thanks, Harvard School of Education…



Purvee Chauhan

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~ The Little Prince